Hello Internet, welcome to Hello C#! We’re going to be exploring the very basics of how to write a Hello World application in C# all the way from project creation to the end.
Today we’re going to be developing explosions for our game Jet Warrior. A 3D virtual reality asteroids game! Instead of space ships you have rockets on your hands.
Yesterday we built a way to fly in Virtual Reality using your hands as rockets. Today we’re going to expand on that by making an up close and personal version of Asteroids.
Yesterday we built a way to fly in Virtual Reality using your hands as rockets. Today we’re going to expand on that by making an up close and personal version of Asteroids.
Today we’re going to be developing a Jetpacking game in Virtual Reality. I’ve seen some demo’s of Richie’s Plank Experience but more interesting than the plank for me is the firefighting iron man of the future part.
Today we’re going to be developing a Jetpacking game in Virtual Reality. I’ve seen some demo’s of Richie’s Plank Experience but more interesting than the plank for me is the firefighting iron man of the future part.
Continuing with the perfect circle we were rendering let’s see what happens when we plug in other values! Specifically let’s plug in a sin wave and render that.
Let’s get back to work on our Fractal shaders! Specifically, let’s animate them. I’ve got an idea to use a subscriber based design so we can publish various “changes” to our material and dynamically update it.
Welcome back! We’re picking up where we left off: developing an epic UI for our windows app. Time to fix what we broke and break what we haven’t made yet.
Continuing with where we left off with Emotible last time. Let’s integrate a database into our app so that we can store the emoji and persist them between application life cycles.
Let’s make an app. Specifically, lets make a universal windows app that can run across all of our windows devices from our Xbox One to our Windows Phone’s and PC’s.
I found a really neat visual programming tool called Google Blockly. It lets you visually create code by snapping different types of blocks together to create code.
Starting with a classic XNA pixel shader which can generate both Mandelbrot and Julia fractals lets convert that into a Unity Surface Shader we can use in our Unity projects.
Lets make some fractals in Unity and take the opportunity to explore messaging in Unity. We’ll make an extensible, component based fractal generator that is capable of generating fractal trees easily.