Using .NET Interactive and Jupyter Notebooks
Β· β˜• 1 min read
Today we’re exploring .NET Interactive and how you can use it inside of Jupyter Notebooks to run and document code samples alongside markdown documentation.
Building A Game of Dice - #GMTKJam 2022 - Day 3
Β· β˜• 1 min read
Participating in the Join the World of Zero Discord Server:
Building a Game of Dice - #GMTKJam 2022 - Day 1
Β· β˜• 1 min read
Participating in the Join the World of Zero Discord Server:
Building A Game of Dice - #GMTKJam 2022 - Day 2
Β· β˜• 1 min read
Participating in the Join the World of Zero Discord Server:
Using C#'s nameof Expression - C# Quick Tip
Β· β˜• 2 min read
The nameof expression allows you to convert a variable, property, type or function into a string that represents its name.
Adding Unity Support - SignalR in Unity - Part 2
Β· β˜• 2 min read
The next part of this experiment is integrating Unity with the rest of our SignalR components so that they can communicate with one another.
Exploring MAUI - Multiplatform Apps Built With .NET
Β· β˜• 1 min read
.NET MAUI is an open-source framework for building multiplatform user interfaces that can reuse code across iOS, Android, MacOS and Windows!
Creating a Quick Custom Profile in the Windows Terminal
Β· β˜• 2 min read
The Windows Terminal allows you to run any number of different profiles. Some of the defaults that you might see pre-configured include things like PowerShell and Command Prompt, but you can introduce your own profiles to the Windows Terminal to fit your needs!
Creating a Stepped Gradient Shader in Unity
Β· β˜• 2 min read
Let’s build a stepped gradient in Unity! This is a form of gradient with hard transitions between the different keyframes in the gradient which creates clear blocks of color like you might see on a flag or logo.
Supporting Grid Rendering - LINQ for Unity - Part 3
Β· β˜• 1 min read
Unity’s Editor UI does not support rendering elements in a grid. For some elements like Textures, Meshes and Materials rendering the results in a vertical list does not use the space of the LINQ for Unity editor view very effectively so a grid-based view could provide a much more concise and cleaner UI.
Using AnimatedValues in Custom Unity Editors
Β· β˜• 2 min read
When working with the Unity editor it can be useful to animate the movement of a value from one place to the next.
Demoing the Tool and Adding Command History - LINQ for Unity Stream - Part 2
Β· β˜• 1 min read
Another VOD from the World of Zero Twitch development stream. This is a demo of some of the work that’s happened on the LINQ for Unity tool behind the scenes and also covers introducing command history so that we can track queries run against the tool and quickly rerun them.
Building a Tree-Based Calculator in C#
Β· β˜• 3 min read
Let’s explore a calculator that can solve a variety of equations dynamically. We’ll be able to use this solution to explore tree data structures and specifically the use of binary trees to represent and solve common math problems.