Splat! - Deforming Vertex Shader - Part 2
· ☕ 1 min read
Continuing on from yesterday we’re going to be exploring our Squishy Sphere Shader. Specifically, in this video we’ll be updating our shader to squish a bit better.
An Intro to Unity - Flappy Cube Tutorial - Part 2
· ☕ 2 min read
Welcome to Unity! In this tutorial we’re going to walk through the basics by creating Flappy Cube. A two dimensional mobile game with a single input: “Flap”.
A Ring of Asteroids - Let's Make Asteroids VR
· ☕ 2 min read
Today we’re returning to virtual reality Asteroids. We’re going to be taking a look at some of the behind the scenes changes made to the game as well as implementing a new feature.
An Intro to Unity - Flappy Cube Tutorial - Part 1
· ☕ 1 min read
Welcome to Unity! In this tutorial we’re going to walk through the basics by creating Flappy Cube. A two dimensional mobile game with a single input: “Flap”.
Hello Interactive C#
· ☕ 1 min read
With the addition of the Roslyn compiler to Visual Studio 2015 a number of new features were added. One of those features is a new Interactive C# console that lets you write and run C# code that is compiled in real time in your Visual Studio console.
Red: A Post Mortem - #AsylumJam2016
· ☕ 1 min read
This past weekend I took part in the Asylum Jam an annual horror game jam. You have 48 hours to develop a horror game.
Let's Make Red - #AsylumJam2016 - Part 5
· ☕ 1 min read
This weekend for the #asylumjam of 2016 we’re going to be developing a game called Red. Red is a game all about social interactions.
Let's Make Red - #AsylumJam2016 - Part 4
· ☕ 1 min read
This weekend for the #asylumjam of 2016 we’re going to be developing a game called Red. Red is a game all about social interactions.
Let's Make Red - #AsylumJam2016 - Part 2
· ☕ 1 min read
This weekend for the #asylumjam of 2016 we’re going to be developing a game called Red. Red is a game all about social interactions.
Let's Make Red - #AsylumJam2016 - Part 3
· ☕ 1 min read
This weekend for the #asylumjam of 2016 we’re going to be developing a game called Red. Red is a game all about social interactions.
What's the Time? - Game Jolt API - Part 3
· ☕ 2 min read
Today we’re going to be working on developing a Game Jolt API. Moving on from our development of the CI/CD pipeline from the previous episodes we’re going to start actually developing our API.
Shooting Projectiles - Building a Grapple Gun - Part 1
· ☕ 1 min read
I’ve had a fun idea. Let’s add grapple guns to our Asteroids in VR game. In this video specifically we’re going to be focusing on adding projectiles that we can use to attach to the asteroids and pull ourselves in.
A Portal In Unity
· ☕ 1 min read
Let’s make a portal in unity so we can see from one world into another. We are going to accomplish this by using a second camera, render textures and some manipulation of unity layers.