Building a Tree-Based Calculator in C#
· ☕ 3 min read
Let’s explore a calculator that can solve a variety of equations dynamically. We’ll be able to use this solution to explore tree data structures and specifically the use of binary trees to represent and solve common math problems.
Implementing Scene Switching - An Elevator Between Scenes - Part 2
· ☕ 1 min read
Continuing our elevator and asynchronous scene management system development let’s try to build a 3-scene system that will allow us to create a base scene with the global game objects (our player, scene transition elevator, camera etc) and the two “floors” we’ll be transitioning between.
Let's Make a Lazy String Parser in C#
· ☕ 3 min read
Let’s create a quick string parsing script that can read a long string and return a delimited set of results (we’ll be finding words).
Using Generic Type Aliases in C#
· ☕ 1 min read
C# includes a feature that allows you to use the using keyword to define aliases for different types or namespaces in your code.
Animating the Elevator - An Elevator Between Scenes - Part 1
· ☕ 2 min read
Let’s start a new project that allows us to load scenes using riding an elevator as the transition. To start with we’ll be building the animation controlling the opening and closing of the elevator doors.
Using ContextMenu and ContextMenuItem in Unity 3D
· ☕ 2 min read
There are a lot of options available to you when you want to test your project in Unity3D and validate that your code actually does what you think it does.
Learning Async Unity Scene Loading
· ☕ 2 min read
I’ve been working on re-learning how to work with scenes in Unity and am planning a larger project around the feature, but wanted to bring all of you on my journey.

Quickly Edit Streams with the FFmpeg CLI
· ☕ 2 min read
FFmpeg allows you to manipulate video files from your command line. Lets explore how to trim videos from streams more quickly by taking advantage of some of FFmpeg's features.
A World Space Grid Snapped Shader
· ☕ 2 min read
Expanding upon our exploration of a shader that snaps vertices to a grid. This time we’re moving things into world space!
What Happens When You Snap Vertices To A Grid?
· ☕ 3 min read
In this video I get to play with madness. We’ll be exploring what happens if you try to “pixelate” a 3D mesh using a vertex shader.

Using the PowerToys Color Picker
· ☕ 1 min read
PowerToys adds a series of useful tools to your Windows computer including a color picker that lets you easily lookup the color of any pixel on your screen.
Pseudo-Random Colors with Hashed Strings
· ☕ 2 min read
In this video we’re going to explore a way I approach reproducible pseudo-random number generation that uses calculated hashes to select a random item or property for an object.
Rotation Math Tricks - Using Unity's Quaternion Operators
· ☕ 2 min read
Unity provides a few operators that can make some common tasks with quaternions easier to accomplish. You can multiple a quaternion and vector to rotate the vector by the provided quaternion’s rotation or multiple two quaternions together in order to add the two rotations they represent together.
Learning to Deserialize YAML in C# with YamlDotNET
· ☕ 2 min read
YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) provides a way to store structured data in files. It can be used in similar ways to other JSON or XML files and is commonly used with Kubernetes and Docker Compose.
Detecting Objects with Raycasts in Unity3D
· ☕ 3 min read
Raycasts provide a way for you to project lines through your scenes and detect the objects they hit as well as return important information about what they hit.