Zenject is a Dependency Injection Container Framework built for .NET that is also compatible with Unity. Lets learn some of the basics of how to get Zenject setup and start injecting components.
C#’s Yield operator allows you to define enumerable sets which can be dynamically generated and are lazily evaluated. This enables a number of fun things that would be difficult otherwise such as infinite lists.
Lets get started building MC Clone a new plugin/mod for minecraft servers running spigot that will allow players to create duplicate parts of the world with different settings.
Lets explore how you can compile a Java file from scratch without an IDE or other tool. All you will need to be able to do this is the Java Development Kit (JDK).
Debuggers are a great way to find out what is actually going on in your code. They allow you to pause, inspect and modify the state of your program at any time.
There are two ways to handle input in your VR games built with Unity. Right now we have used Unity’s Input system to allow us to create Axis and Buttons which can be retrieved using the normal Input.
Lets Build Asteroids VR! Specifically lets focus on rotation controls and other movement options like a grappling hook (and potentially more with time permitting).
In previous videos we’ve built a pixel shader that renders circles instead of the traditional squares. You can rotate the pixels so that the circles can be oriented at any angle to one another.
In the past two episodes we’ve created a pixelating shader that divides an image into a lower resolution grid of pixels and a second shader which renders a circle inside of a 1x1 area.
In the last video we made our circular pixel shader work. It now draws a grid of different colored circles based on the input from the shaders texture.