Hello again internet! Let’s dive into how to manage camera physics in your third person cameras using SphereCast
’s expand upon what you might know about raycasts projecting a beam through your scene that can detect physical objects in the scene and let you know if it’s hit them. Unlike a raycast though a SphereCast
includes a radius. This can prevent the detection from going through tight spaces or between closely aligned Game Objects.
To showcase this, we’re going to build a quick 3rd Person Camera in a scene that has some narrow alleyways. In order to prevent our camera from clipping geometry inside those alleyways and to prevent it from ending up in a narrow space we’ll project a sphere using a SphereCast
. This gives our camera some safety and improves the quality of the camera positioning.
You can find more information about SphereCast
’s in Unity’s documentation here: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Physics.SphereCast.html
The code we wrote in this video is here if you’d like to try it yourself!
Looking for an introduction to Raycast
s? Check out my video on Raycasting in Unity: https://worldofzero.com/videos/detecting-objects-with-raycasts-in-unity3d/
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