Physical Asteroid LODs - Lets Make an Asteroid Belt - Part 5
· ☕ 2 min read
Time for our asteroids to get physical! In this video we’re going to be moving beyond the simple instanced rendering methods we’ve been using previously and start actually creating real physical asteroids when we get close.

Making Sumo Splash - Let's Make an Arcade Game
· ☕ 2 min read
Our next project is going to be something really fun. We’re going to be taking advantage of the new Beam FTL streaming protocol which gets around 0.

Building 3D Models with Windows 10's Creators Update for Unity
· ☕ 3 min read
Today we’re going to try something a little different! Lets explore building 3D models using the included tools in the Windows 10 Creators Update and see how useful these tools are for our game development needs.

Real Time Voxel Updates - Lets Make 2D Voxel Terrain - Part 6
· ☕ 2 min read
Today we’re going to be making the voxels in our 2d voxel terrain update in real time! This means we’re going to make it so that we can easily insert and delete elements from our tree and also modify things so we’re able to regenerate our mesh when that happens.

Filling the Quadtree - Let's Make 2D Voxel Terrain - Part 3
· ☕ 2 min read
Time to put something in our quadtree. We’re going to build two scripts in this video. The first will be one of potentially many “generators” which insert data into our quadtree.

Disco Planet Ring Shader - Lets Make an Asteroid Belt - Part 1
· ☕ 2 min read
Asteroids VR needs an asteroid belt so we’re going to make one! In this video we’re going to begin work on our basic ring shader which will be used for drawing the planetary ring of asteroids at a long distance.

Procedural Mesh Generation in Unity 3D
· ☕ 1 min read
Time to jump into some of the fun sides of 3D Graphics! In this video we’re going to be figuring out how to build a 3D Plane in Unity with a given number of subsections.

Exploring Rigidbody Joints and Rope Physics in Unity
· ☕ 1 min read
Unity has a number of different joints and other ways to connect Rigidbodies (Spring’s come to mind). We’re going to be exploring how to take advantage of those offerings in order to build a 3D physically simulated rope that we can attach to our grapple gun and eventually swing around space with.